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Excited Children in Science Class

Plan de estudios


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A Model of the Lungs

Youth will learn how to build a functioning model of the lungs.

STEM Focus Area:

Health Sciences

45 minutes


Grades 6-8

Beak Bonanza

Youth will understand why birds have beaks of varying shapes and sizes.

STEM Focus Area:


45 minutes

Indoor or Outdoor

Grades K-2

Burr, It's Cold in Here

Youth will understand that polar animals keep warm because they have layers of blubber, or
fat, under their skin to provide insulation.

STEM Focus Area:


30 Minutes


Grades 3-4

Duckweed blooms

To understand how the concentration of nitrogen in an aquatic ecosystem could affect other aspects of
the ecosystem and that an indicator species can reflect the health of an ecosystem

STEM Focus Area:

Water Quality

2-3 Weeks


Grades 6-8

I Spy Science

Youth will investigate how objects are the same and how they are different by observing and describing properties of materials (size, shape, color, texture, etc.)

STEM Focus Area:

Properties of Materials

45 minutes


Grades K-2

It's Not Easy Being Beans

Youths will understand the life cycle of flowering plants.

STEM Focus Area:

Life Cycle of Plants


Indoor or Outdoor

Grades 5-7

Milkweed Mania!

Youth will understand what research is and examples of research in
wildlife conservation.

STEM Focus Area:

Citizen Science

30 minutes


Grades 3-4

Nature Sink/Float

Youth will learn about what objects in nature sink and float and make comparisons between

STEM Focus Area:

Nature Play

30 minutes

Indoor or outdoor


Real-Life Algorithms: Paper Airplanes

Demonstrate understanding of basic computational thinking concepts (sequence, algorithm)

STEM Focus Area:


45 minutes


Grades K-2

Tide Pools

Youth will learn about the ecosystem of a tide pool.

STEM Focus Area:


45 minutes


Grades 3-4

What’s an Insect?

Youth will learn about the characteristics of insects.

STEM Focus Area:


45 minutes

Indoor and Outdoor

Grades K-2

Wildlife is Everywhere

I can find nature everywhere.

STEM Focus Area:

Nature Play

45 minutes


Grades K-2

View Lesson Plan

ARRRRRGH! Me Eye Hurts

Learn about the different layers of the human eye and their significance.

STEM Focus Area:


1 Hour


Grades 2 - 5

Bird Beak Buffet

Youth will understand why birds have beaks of varying shapes and sizes.

STEM Focus Area:


45 minutes

Indoor or Outdoor


Carnation Water Quality

To understand how the quality of water can affect plants

STEM Focus Area:

Water Quality

3 days


Grades K-2

Friction Investigation

Friction is a force that opposes (slows down) motion.

STEM Focus Area:

Forces and Motion

50 minutes


Grades 3-4

Incredible Journeys

Youth will learn about challenges animals face during their migrations.

STEM Focus Area:


45 minutes

Indoor and Outdoor

All ages

Let’s Get Squirrely!

Youth will understand what data and research are and how they help scientists understand
the subject they are studying.

STEM Focus Area:

Citizen Science

45 minutes

Indoor and outdoor

Grades K-2

My Robotic Friends

Demonstrate understanding of computational thinking concepts (sequence, algorithm, testing, debugging)
& practice giving simple and precise, multi-step directions to solve complex problems.

STEM Focus Area:


40-60 minutes


Grades 3-5

Penguin Watch

Youth will understand what research is and examples of research in wildlife conservation.

STEM Focus Area:

Citizen Science

30 minutes


Grades 5-7

STEM Ball Play

Youth will develop skills of observation, sorting, and classifying.

STEM Focus Area:

Scientific Process Skill Development

30 minutes

Indoor or Outdoor


Traveling Seeds

Youths will understand the life cycle of flowering plants.

STEM Focus Area:

Life Cycle of Plants


Indoor or Outdoor

Grades K-2

What’s in the Water

To understand different ways you can check the quality of water, and that while water might look clean,
there could still be hidden chemicals mixed in it.

STEM Focus Area:


20 minutes


Grades 3-5

Automata Motion

To build from basics of mechanical engineering and explore motion transfer.

STEM Focus Area:

Engineering Design

45 minutes


Grades 3-4

Bird Beaks-Tro

Youth will understand why birds have beaks of varying shapes and sizes.

STEM Focus Area:


45 minutes

Indoor or Outdoor

Grades 3-4

Coding Shapes

Demonstrate understanding of computational thinking concepts (sequence, algorithm, testing, debugging)
& practice giving precise multi-step directions to solve complex problems.

STEM Focus Area:


20 minutes


Grades 6-9

How Do Plants Grow?

Youths will understand the life cycle of flowering plants.

STEM Focus Area:

Life Cycle of Plants


Indoor or Outdoor

Grades 3-4

Insect Hotels

Youth will understand what materials and conditions insects find favorable to live in.

STEM Focus Area:

Nature Play

30 minutes


Grades 3-4

Linking Motion

To understand the basics of mechanical engineering.

STEM Focus Area:

Engineering Design

45 minutes


Grades K-2

Mystery Bag Science

Youth will investigate and describe objects in terms of their properties (size, shape, color, texture, etc.).

STEM Focus Area:

Properties of Materials

30 minutes



Ramp Exploration

Youth will investigate how a push or a pull (applied forces) can make things move.

STEM Focus Area:

Forces and Motion

50 minutes


Grades K-2

Slime Challenge

Youth will investigate how combining two different materials can create a new substance that has different properties than the original materials.

STEM Focus Area:

Properties of Materials

60 minutes


Grades 3-4

Two-Way Automata Motion

To build from basics of mechanical engineering and explore motion transfer.

STEM Focus Area:

Engineering Design

45 minutes


Grades 6-8

Wildlife is Everywhere

Youth will understand wildlife can be found everywhere.

STEM Focus Area:

Nature Play

45 minutes


Grades K-2

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